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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Yo,posting about my trip to china from 12/12/09 - 23/12/09

Day 1
went to aunt house to met her before airport.Once reached airport,we went to checked in,then went in.Shop for some liquid before went into plane,we bought alot of beer~~(LOVED). Went in the plane,drank lot of beer, set off at 3.30pm and reached there Hong Kong custom at 7+pm.Damn fret up there, the officer kept asking me question.Once got out, went to take MTR whereas singapore call MRT.lol. and something more intresting, 3 stop causes half an hour. haha... Reached there, lost abit butt in the end manage to check in hotel.Went to eat dinner,went back hotel to sleep after dinner.

Day 2
Wake up at 10+ and get ready for breakfast.Headed to DA YU SHAN after breakfast.we took cable car up the hill and the distance is 5.7km and a little bit cold.Went to watched movie that showed how monk became budda and monkey movie. went to eat lunch at a restaurant. it already 6-6.30pm le.Headed to NU REN JIE and shop to 11pm+ then went back hotel to sleep.

Day 3
wake up at 10+ and get ready for breakfast and headed to WANG DA XIAN to pray as that place is a very famous temple in Hong Kong. Went to eat roast goose for lunch, hahah. Headed to TAI PING SHAN.Took cable train up the hill and the night view is DAMN NICE LARH. loved it.Took lot of pic up there...went in the ghost house, not scary at all lor.=.='''. Took cable train down the hill and headed to MIAO JIE to eat and shop for awhile. headed back to hotel....

Day 4
Wake up at 9+ and get ready to go shen zhen. Pack our stuff and check out from our hotel. Headed to shen zhen after all. Reached there about 2pm and saw my grandfather cousin. he brought us to our hotel to put our stuff in the room.and after that walk to his house. He told us that around 15-20 mins of walk will reach his house le but we walk like 45 mins then reach his house siah.=.='''.Then 6+ went to eat dinner and 7+ went to shen zhen airport to fetch my grandfather they all...bring them to the restaurant that we are to eat also. After that went back hotel to sleep....

Day 5
Wake up at 8 and went to eat at 8.30 and set off at 9.Headed to DA MEI SHAN, HAI BIN GONG YUAN. DAMN COLD SIAH... BUT I CAN TAHAN.....LOL~!~!. Went to LONG YAN GU SHI.. had a little pray there...Went to OIL PAINT VILLAGE, ate a little there. headed to da peng shuo cheng.went to eat dinner at 6+ then went back hotel to slack awhile, went shopping around there and reach hotel at 2am.haha..

Day 6
Wake up at 8.30 and set off at 9.30. Went to HAI SHANG SHI JIE. Headed to YUAN PO YAN to eat lunch and went back hotel. Went to buy some maggie mee for supper.Attended wedding dinner at night. Headed back to hotel after that. slack awhile at my room then went to my cousin room to eat maggie mee and slack awhile and play poker awhile. went back to my room at 1+

Day 7
Wake up at 6.30 and went for breakfast and set off at 7.30. Went to zhu hai. Stopped at ZHONG SHAN, and went to see SUN ZHONG SHAN musem and went to relative house and slack awhile there and went to eat lunch. Went to a place to see mermaid then headed to wan chai to eat dinner then headed to check in hotel.

Day 8
wake up at 6.30 still and headed to MACAU. Reached MACAU at 10+ then went to DA SHAN BA see TIAN ZHU JIAO GU JI . Then went to MA ZHU MIAO. Went to eat lunch then went to check in hotel...i sleep till 6+ then wake up go eat dinner. Headed to wei ni si casino. Sian, almost get into casino then got caught. Haiz...Then went to see YIN YUE PEN QUAN. Went back hotel to sleep...

Day 9
Wake up at 6.30 and get ready to eat breakfast and get ready to go Hong Kong. Wait at macau jetty. Reach there at 9+ and need wait until 11.30 to get into boat to get into Hong Kong. Reach there by 1plus then went to eat lunch. Headed to HAI YANG GONG YUAN after lunch.Ate dinner inside. Went to NU REN JIE to walk and shop.I bought a jacket and a bball shoe...haha.. went to check in hotel.. Sian .... the room fucking small....nevermind...just sleep will do.....and forget it....

Day 10
wake up at 7.45 and get ready to eat breakfast. Headed to DISNEYLAND...Took lot of picture there.want to see, go my facebook and see..hahah.....Gather at 5.30 and went out to eat dinner and headed back to hotel after that.Went to shop shop around my hotel there and went buy mac for supper.Went to my cousin room to eat then went back my room to sleep.

Day 11
Wake up at 8+ then go walk walk then 10+ go eat breakfast.Went back hotel at 11+ to pack bag and get ready to check out le... Went to buy sneaker, haha. Then get into bus at 2.Headed to shen zhen. Reached there around 4+ then went to fetched my grandmother from XI SHENG. Went to eat dinner then headed to airport. Went to check in then went into plane liao, no time to shop. haiz....Reach KL airport at 1.40pm. Went to buy liquid all that then took bus back to my grandmother house.Reach there at 5am. Sleep till 10.15 wake up to eat breakfast then took bus back to SINGAPORER....LOL...
End of my 11 day trip~!~!~!~!

SLAMit.DUNKit 7:46 PM